
Leeds manufacturers applaud T level placement students Tuesday 19th March 2024

Leeds manufacturers applaud T level placement students

Employers in Leeds are starting to see first-hand the benefits of the new engineering and manufacturing two-year T level qualification that is designed to equip students with the right skills and attitude for a career in the industry.

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 Enterprise advisers help bridge the gap between the world of work and education Friday 7th July 2023

Enterprise advisers help bridge the gap between the world of work and education

Greater engagement between schools, colleges and local employers is at the heart of the Leeds Manufacturing Festival and its aim of promoting the opportunities that careers in the sector present for future generations...

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Prioritising ‘apprentice experience’ vital to reverse increasing attrition rates Tuesday 13th June 2023

Prioritising ‘apprentice experience’ vital to reverse increasing attrition rates

Government figures show that almost half of all apprentices drop out of their course, and 70% of those report problems with the quality of training they receive, with a poor ‘in company’ experience the main factor in leaving their apprenticeship...

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About Leeds Manufacturing Festival

Raising the profile of manufacturing in Leeds